Post content type
The post content types comes with the following fields:
- Title: The page title also used for the SEO page title
- Description: Used on the teaser display as well as the SEO meta description
- Featured Image: Used at the top of the page as a header as well as the card image on the teaser display
- Overlay: Changes the overlay over the image and the text color of the header and summary text
- Light - 90%
- Light - 75%
- Light - 50%
- Light - 25%
- Dark - 90%
- Dark - 75%
- Dark - 50%
- Dark - 25%
- Header Position: Places the title and description in the header section
- Top
- Middle
- Bottom
- Hide Header Section: Used to hide the page title and image and summary so that paragraphs can be used instead to place content
- Author
- Author URL
- External Source
- Body
- Relationships: Used to add related posts
- SEO Page Title: Optional field to override the page title displayed for Search Engines and Social Media
- SEO Image: Optional field to override the Image displayed for Search Engines and Social Media
- SEO Description: Optional field to override the page description displayed for Search Engines and Social Media
- Robots meta tag: Optional field to add no-index or no-follow if the user prefers to hide pages from the search engines.